What we're reading - June 15th, 2015

25 Things I wish I Knew when I Graduated from High School - Market Watch (6/15/15)

There’s a whole bunch of stuff Brett Arends wishes someone had told him on the day he graduated. It would have been really, really useful. But nobody did. So he had to learn it the hard way. Now, he's saving grads all the trouble. So if grads want to have a much easier time over the next 10 or 20 years, ponder his 25 suggestions here.


Portsmouth High School Seniors Break into Flash Mob During Graduation - WMUR (6/15/15)

The graduating class at Portsmouth High School bid a special farewell to the school. The class of 2015 broke into a flash mob during the graduation ceremony on Friday, dancing to the Taylor Swift song, "Shake it Off." The dance was led by class valedictorian Colin Yost. Watch the video.