Graduation Stories Highlight Alumni Power and Potential

Alumni are near-peer relatable role models who can bridge the community engagement gap among students, especially as it relates to college and career readiness. And they’re available, willing, and able to help.

  • 79% of Millennials volunteer annually 
  • 32% of high school alumni would likely return to their alma maters as college and career guides...if asked 
  • 73% of high school alumni attend college locally 

Not only do alumni understand and are willing to support the college knowledge and application process, they have direct relationships and experiences tied to being in the community. Alumni understand the challenges and pressures of graduating in their community and can offer the hope and roadmaps to success. 

Read the story of how one Oakland senior is off to Xavier University in Louisiana, a historically black college, after spending years cooking dinner and raising two younger siblings while her mother worked long hours for the IRS. 

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