Alumni Software designed specifically for busy high school educators
- Easy to mobilize your alumni, inspire your students, increase your services and improve your outcomes.
- Invite alumni as role models and volunteers for your mentoring, college readiness, career, stem, and project learning activities.
- Ready made tools, strategies and alumni profiles make it easy to reach, reconnect, match and invite your alumni.
- Quick to launch. No data inputting. No forms. No extra work.
- Secure, ad-free and ethical. We are signatory partners of the Student Privacy Pledge.
- A simple platform that creates a strategic, school-wide alumni network for your educators.
- Free for schools and nonprofits. Forever. (Our premium services for districts and administrrators are under development)
educators can easily recruit and match alumni for your programs and students
alumni are resources for:
Career Awareness
- Workshops on resume writing and interviewing
- Guest class speakers on specific careers
- Career awareness panels
- Career interests and career testing programs
College Knowledge
- College fairs and panels sharing college experiences
- College application and financial aid workshops
- Scholarship research and application coaching
- Guides for college visits and student Q & A via email
Community & Business Partnerships
- Internships and work experiences
- Workplace visits
- Sponsored scholarships
- Service projects
Academic Support
- Experts for applied learning activities
- Classroom and project volunteers
- Tutors and mentors
- Translation support for parents
Feedback & Branding
- School displays celebrating successful alumni
- School newsletter features on alumni
- Alumni feedback on HS preparedness for college
- Alumni feedback on HS preparedness for careers
Program Resources
- Alumni funding for school needs
- Alumni funding for teacher projects
- Alumni donations to scholarship funds
- Business support and in kind donationss